Friday, May 27, 2016

My Solution

In the preceding exercises I have identified the opportunity that arises from the problem of losing a pet and not knowing what you can do to try to find it.  You've put up posters, posted on Facebook and maybe even Craigslist, all to no avail.  You are devastated and all you wish for was something more you could do to be reunited with your beloved animal.  My solution to this problem is a gathering place, a network.  People will come to this central destination (in the form of a website) and post their lost animal.  Conversely, anyone who finds or spots a lost animal will also turn to this site and post. The website will be able to match them up based on descriptions and geographic location. Revenue will come from advertisements and donations and will be supplemented by a store that sells dog tags and GPS chips for animals.  The goal from this opportunity is to reunite lost pets with their owners and prevent them from getting lost in the future with the merchandise that owners will then buy from our store, and also to prevent pets that haven't gone missing to ever do so.  If you have ever lost a pet you know how agonizing the experience is, I am creating a solution that will hopefully help many people escape from this ordeal.

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