Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bug Post

1. When soda fountain soda is watered down.
2. When you walk into a spider web and you feel it hours later.
3. When someone else borrows your shoes and they step in feces.
4. When someone else spits their gum out and you step on it.
5. When there is an accident off the side of the road, but traffic slows because everyone stops to see what happened.
6. When you put an order in at a fast food place and they add toppings you don’t like and never asked for. (Like mayonnaise)
7. When you drop your phone and it breaks.
8. When you buy tickets from a third party dealer and they turn out to be stolen and invalidated.
9. When you’re waiting for your friends and they get lost and show up many minutes later.
 10. When you’re trying to find your friends at a large event but you get lost and take a long time to find them.
 11. When your car won’t start and you can’t figure out why.
12. When your phone dies and you have no charger.
  13. When you let friends borrow your clothes and never give them back.
 14. When you want to get drunk but also need to be productive.
  15. When you are nostalgic about childhood tv shows but can’t find a place to watch them.
  16. When you run out of toilet paper.
  17. When you pour cereal into a bowl and realize that you have no milk.
18. When you run out of gas and are nowhere near a gas station.
  19. When you’re under age to drink but you question the authority of law over your actions.
  20. When you’re allergic to the food that you love.

Writing this list was difficult because we are conditioned to see the positive things in our lives instead of looking for what annoys us.  Also, it is difficult to remember things that annoy us in the moment but are not significant enough to make us upset for long periods of time.


  1. I totally agree with all of these bugs, just reading them made me slightly annoyed just thinking about these happening to me. Glass on phones break so easily, hopefully someone will come up with a more resistant type glass soon. I too seem to have a lot of problems with my car, so I know the feeling of waking up in the morning to drive somewhere and having my car not start on me.

  2. I have to say that this made me laugh. Not in a bad way, but in a very realistic, "yeah, that's so irritating" way. I can relate to most of these and they are pretty irritating. I would love to hear why they are irritating to you though. Why do those things happen, as the video suggested.
    I 110% agree with your reflection. I had a hard time coming up with "bugs" because I always try to see the good in life and let the bad roll off my back. I feel it's a happier way of life that way, but I really appreciated this assignment making me step outside my box to explore the whats and the why things bug me.
    I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future. Best of luck this semester.

  3. P.S. Very clever Blog Title! Bravo!
