Saturday, May 28, 2016

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

The opportunity I have identified is that people who lose their pets or have their pets run away often run out of resources to locate them, which can be devastating.  The "who" in this scenario is any pet owner.  The "what" is that when the unthinkable happens and they do not know where their pets are, they may be willing to move mountains in order to find them but not have any thing they are actually able to do to locate them after exhausting the traditional resources. These traditional resources include putting up posters, canvassing the neighborhood and posting on sites like Facebook and craigslist.  The "why" is that traditional methods may not reach enough people or the right people that would need to see it in order to help (i.e a stranger who may have seen your lost dog but is not friends with you on Facebook.)

The who is pretty much limited to people who have lost their pets.  The what would primarily involve cats and dogs, because those are the most common pets and the most likely ones to run away or get lost accidentally.  However, this opportunity would be just as easy to exploit for other less common animals such as snakes, rabbits, hamsters and pretty much anything else.  The "why" holds for most pet owners because most seemed to have developed the type of bond with their animal where they would do anything to get them back.  It could be limited to those that have not yet gotten their animals chipped and those who own animals that do not usually get chipped.


Friday, May 27, 2016

My Solution

In the preceding exercises I have identified the opportunity that arises from the problem of losing a pet and not knowing what you can do to try to find it.  You've put up posters, posted on Facebook and maybe even Craigslist, all to no avail.  You are devastated and all you wish for was something more you could do to be reunited with your beloved animal.  My solution to this problem is a gathering place, a network.  People will come to this central destination (in the form of a website) and post their lost animal.  Conversely, anyone who finds or spots a lost animal will also turn to this site and post. The website will be able to match them up based on descriptions and geographic location. Revenue will come from advertisements and donations and will be supplemented by a store that sells dog tags and GPS chips for animals.  The goal from this opportunity is to reunite lost pets with their owners and prevent them from getting lost in the future with the merchandise that owners will then buy from our store, and also to prevent pets that haven't gone missing to ever do so.  If you have ever lost a pet you know how agonizing the experience is, I am creating a solution that will hopefully help many people escape from this ordeal.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Looking for Opportunity

Opportunities Resulting from Economic Trends

1       1.) Dramatic swings recently in the price of oil:
o   This leads me to believe that an opportunity to exist because it illustrates that the price of crude oil is subject to change drastically in relatively short amounts of time.  Whenever you can a product whose market value is susceptible to rapid change, you have an opportunity to reap high rewards in short amounts of time by trading in that product.  You should keep in mind that this also carries higher amounts of risk, however.
o   According to this article, moms and millennials are currently hopping on the train of this opportunity.  However, the prototypical person that will benefit from the rise and fall of oil will be those who keep themselves updated with market conditions and have the resources to invest and risk their money.  This will most likely be people who are employed and have low amounts of debt.
o   This opportunity is relatively easy to exploit, because you can now invest and trade exchange traded funds from apps on your phone such as Robinhood, and many of these apps have low minimum balances and do not even charge fees or commissions.  This opens up the field to people with much lower net worth’s than what was previously imagined to be necessary to participate in investing.
o   I saw this opportunity because I enjoy reading and learning about the market.  I enjoy this for its own sake because I think finance is interesting, and also to look for investment opportunities I could exploit myself. 
·           2.) There is an unmet demand for entry-level housing:
o   This article leads me to believe that an opportunity exists because we learned that an opportunity “constitutes the formation of a belief that a group of customers have an unmet need.”  There is a growing demand for entry-level housing, yet builders are focusing on the safer bet of developing higher end real estate for people with larger credit.  This has left a lot of people who are willing to pay money for a home without any options.
o   The customer for this opportunity would largely consist of young, first-time homebuyers with less income and credit than older or more affluent people.
o   It is a relatively easy opportunity to exploit if you have the resources to develop houses. That is, it is not uncharted territory, and there are many organizations that have the capability to do it.  It is a difficult opportunity to exploit if you do not have the resources and money to develop real estate.
o   I saw the opportunity because I like to stay updated on the housing market because I plan on either entering the real estate industry myself or at least buy real estate at some point in my life as an investment.

Opportunities Resulting from Regulatory Changes

·         3.) Uncertainty over interest rates has put the dollar in a vulnerable position, with the                       possibility of a rapid rise or fall in the near future:
o   There is opportunity here because the dollar is in a fragile place, highly sensitive to regulatory forces on the interest rate.  If the Federal Reserve raises the interest rate or if investors think they will raise it, then the dollar rises as it “becomes more attractive to yield-seeking investors.  The dollar has been falling recently because of some mixed economic data.  There is opportunity here because if an expert in the field of foreign exchange or someone willing to do thorough research put their mind to it, there could be a lot of money to be made in trading of the dollar.
o   Investors with experience and comfort in foreign currency exchange are the most likely customers of this opportunity.  Also likely customers are people from foreign countries who have easy access and comfort in trading for their home currencies.
o   This opportunity is easy to exploit because it is not difficult to trade in foreign currencies, but it could be risky because it could be difficult to ascertain what will happen next with interest rates.
o   I saw this opportunity and would take advantage of it because I enjoy taking a good risk, and doing everything I can to beat that risk, in order to achieve high rewards.  Someone who is more risk-averse may not see this as an opportunity or may see it to be too risky to be a viable opportunity.
·         4.) The regulatory body FDA has approved a new arm implant called Probuphine to treat                opioid dependence:
o   This is an opportunity to heal many people in America and is a step towards reversing the growing opioid endemic in our country.  It is an opportunity to help our friends and loved ones and the families we know that have suffered as a result of the opiate addiction of a loved one. 
o   This opportunity is one that will indirectly benefit everyone because many people are hurt by opiate addiction even if they are not addicts themselves.  The primary prototypical customer will be those people who have opiate addictions such as prescription drugs and heroine and can use this implant to lessen withdrawal symptoms and ease cravings for opioids.
o   The opportunity is limited in easiness by its cost, which is expected to be less than $6,000 dollars for six months.  This is either a cost that someone could or could not afford.  For some people it will be an easy choice, for others it will be something that will be difficult to attain.  It is a small price to pay, however, when you think about it in terms of someone getting their life back.
o   I saw this opportunity because I see myself as sympathetic to anyone going through such a tough time in their lives and sympathetic to their families and friends who are affected by it, even though I have never witnessed an opiate addiction.  I believe everyone deserves hope for a better life, and this is an opportunity which will give many people that hope.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

1.)  FSCJ sports face wave of uncertainty

 Budget cuts, a financial aid scandal and questionable decisions on behalf of Florida State College at Jacksonville's administration is causing turmoil in the athletic department over there.  Coaches and players are scrambling elsewhere after the administration failed to let them know where the athletic programs stand after financial troubles.  This state of limbo was exacerbated by the non-renewal of widely beloved Athletic Director George Sanders contract.  On top of the existing uncertainty, this caused coached and players to doubt the administration's judgement.  For example, only one to two players remain on FSCJ's roster.

The problem in this story is lack of transparency and indecision within FSCJ's administration concerning their entire athletic department.  

This problem mainly affects the coaches and staff of the teams, whose livelihood and careers depend on these decisions.  Budget cuts are sometimes a reality in the world, but the fact that the administration didn't at least let them know what was going is greatly unfair, robbing them of the opportunity to plan or make an informed decision.  In the same way, this is also a problem for the athletes, whose athletic careers and school they decide to attend depend on these decisions.

There is an opportunity here for someone to step up and figure out the best way to keep the sports if possible, and begin an open discussion with those involved so they can make the best decision for themselves and their families.

2.)  BRIEF: Man bitten by what appears to be a black tip shark identified

A man was bitten by a black tip shark off of South Ponte Vedra beach.He was body surfing when he saw flopping in the water, followed by the bite.  He was treated and seems to be alright.

The problem here is that a man was bit by a shark at a very popular beach, and it could have happened to any of the thousands of people who go to this beach over the summer and throughout the year for enjoyment and relaxation. 

This is a problem for the man who got bit by the shark and had to endure the pain and frightening experience, but it is also a problem for the many people who will now be afraid to enjoy the beach, or who will go but will not have peace of mind as they swim.  This is also a problem for the local businesses in the area who depend on tourist and beachgoer businesses that the beach attracts. If people are too scared to go to the beach, then their sales will suffer.

3.) Sen. Marco Rubio offers amendments that change HUD oversight for apartments like Eureka Garden

This article highlights the problems that exist with federally assisted housing projects.  Marco Rubio is filing amendments that he claims will help with these problems.  They will provide vouchers for people who live in these communities to temporary move while landlords respond to failing inspections, among other measures.

The problem is that landlords abuse the system and fail to maintain their properties in livable conditions for their tenants.

This is a problem for low-income families who live in these projects.  There was an example of a man who slept in a bathtub while the landlord delayed cleaning out mold.

4.)  BRIEF: St. Augustine police ask for help in finding goat's owner

In the second sild animal story of this blog post, the St. Augustine Police rounded up a goat wandering the streets.  They are trying to find the owner.

The problem is that the authorities cannot find the owner of the goat in order to return to him.

This is a problem for the goat, who is missing his owner, friend, and home.  It is also a problem for the owner, who is missing his goat and possible source of milk.

While comical, the reality is that people lose pets all the time.  The solution could be a website where people who find lost pets or people who lose their pets can post about the animal.  They could hopefully find their missing half through this medium.

5.)  BRIEF: Traffic alert: I-10 and I-295 ramps shut down Monday and Tuesday for road work

Two very vital highways are being shut down for road work at the same time.

The problem is that these highways are both highly traveled, and this could cause traffic for many people.

This is a problem for the citizens of Jacksonville who depend on these roads to get to their destinations.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

My first exposure to entrepreneurship came in the form of my dad telling my little brother and I about his grandma, a woman who created a successful business in a time and place where women were not even expected to get a college education.  He told us how Isabel de Mora was a fiercely intelligent woman who would not let society tell her she couldn't do whatever she wanted.  She opened up her own real estate agency which is still operating and growing and carries her name today.

I enrolled in entrepreneurship because I want to learn the skills to be like her and be my own boss one day.  Learning the tools of an entrepreneur will give me the freedom to take my ideas and bring them to the market one day.  Entrepreneurship skills can also help in many other aspects of life, such as your health and relationships.

Bug Post

1. When soda fountain soda is watered down.
2. When you walk into a spider web and you feel it hours later.
3. When someone else borrows your shoes and they step in feces.
4. When someone else spits their gum out and you step on it.
5. When there is an accident off the side of the road, but traffic slows because everyone stops to see what happened.
6. When you put an order in at a fast food place and they add toppings you don’t like and never asked for. (Like mayonnaise)
7. When you drop your phone and it breaks.
8. When you buy tickets from a third party dealer and they turn out to be stolen and invalidated.
9. When you’re waiting for your friends and they get lost and show up many minutes later.
 10. When you’re trying to find your friends at a large event but you get lost and take a long time to find them.
 11. When your car won’t start and you can’t figure out why.
12. When your phone dies and you have no charger.
  13. When you let friends borrow your clothes and never give them back.
 14. When you want to get drunk but also need to be productive.
  15. When you are nostalgic about childhood tv shows but can’t find a place to watch them.
  16. When you run out of toilet paper.
  17. When you pour cereal into a bowl and realize that you have no milk.
18. When you run out of gas and are nowhere near a gas station.
  19. When you’re under age to drink but you question the authority of law over your actions.
  20. When you’re allergic to the food that you love.

Writing this list was difficult because we are conditioned to see the positive things in our lives instead of looking for what annoys us.  Also, it is difficult to remember things that annoy us in the moment but are not significant enough to make us upset for long periods of time.

Hello My Name Is Pablo

This first blog post was written under the influence of guacamole.