Sunday, June 12, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1

1.)  I am Pablo, and I aspire to own my own business today and be responsible for my own income.  These are my aspirations.  I am someone who people would generally described as kind, trustworthy, and sometimes spacey.  I am bilingual and good with numbers.  I am somewhat of a perfectionist, so if I were to start this business, it would probably take over most of my life.

2.) I am providing a service for customers to help them find their lost pets.

3.)  This service will be used by pet owners, specifically those who have lost their pets.

4.)  They care because people's pets become part of their family.  They love it like it was their own child, and they would do anything to get it back.

5.)  What sets my idea apart from everyone else is that there is no comprehensive resource for finding a lost animal right now.  There are chips and dog tags, but no service that contacts animal shelters and matches up lost dogs with found ones.

Something about my business concept that could hinder it is that for it to be maximally effective, it would have to be something that many many many people know about, so that there is a good probability that someone who finds a dog will post it to the site, and that someone who loses their pet will think to check it.

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